NBBTC Holding is in the South Korean Senate..

Mr. Cho Bae-SOOK, one of Korea's most experienced Senators, who served as a Public Prosecutor in Korea for 22 years and as a Judge in the Seoul Court of Appeals, a Member of the Board of Directors of Samsung Life Insurance, and the Leader of the Democracy and Peace Party, who also served as a member of parliament for 4 terms in the Senate, Chairman Dr. He hosted Necati BULAK and Vice President Park Chi JOON for lunch.
Cho Bae-sook is a liberal South Korean politician and legislator who serves as President and Leader of the Democracy and Peace Party. Cho Bae-sook is a law school graduate. He served as a Public Prosecutor in Korea for 22 years and as a Judge in the Seoul Court of Appeals. Experienced politician Cho Bae-Sook, who served as a Member of Parliament for 4 terms, also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors of SAMSUNG Life Insurance.

Dr.BULAK, who visited the Korean Ambassador to Egypt, Hazem FAHMY, in the morning, said, "We started our 2nd week in Korea by visiting the Egyptian Ambassador to South Korea, Hazem FAYMY, in his office. We had a very warm and productive meeting with him." 'said

NBBTC Holding President Dr. BULAK, where she came to South Korea on August 13, continues her work rapidly by holding 2 or 3 meetings almost every day with holdings, country ambassadors, financial institutions and important Senators around the world.

President Necati BULAK, who will stay in this country for 1 month and then move on to CHINA-THAILAND and JAPAN, said, "Since the day we arrived, we have been continuing our meetings with the world's largest organizations without a break. We are reviewing our existing contracts with some of them, and with some of them." We are signing new solution partnership agreements. We are trying to make up for the time we lost due to the pandemic. We had very serious meetings in the first week. We are going up a gear this week. The biggest brands of the country and the world (Hyundai, Byucksan, KECC, SK Ecoplant co with Samsung MOU Negotiations), our meetings will continue in the Senate, and we will have a meeting with over 20 parliamentarians in the Senate together with Park Seong. We will have meetings and business agreements all day long with SAHMYOOK Health Group, the World Giant and Korea's and America's largest Health Brand, which will be our solution partner with 200 universities in the Health Sector.

Greetings !!! all NBB family and international partners.
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