NBBTC Holding 1st Economic Development Council Meeting DAY 2
Preparing to enter the international economic arena with a new breath, NBBTC Holding organized an "Economic Development Council" meeting in Ankara Anadolu Hotels, with the participation of its investment and solution partners abroad.

NBBTC Holding hosted President Dr. at Ankara Anadolu Hotels on 2-3 December. The "1st Economic Development Council" meeting, chaired by Necati Bulak, where "Turkey's Economy and Development Models", which was introduced as a global model, was introduced, attracted great attention.

Among those who attended the meeting were NBBTC Senior Vice President Korea President Park Chi JOON and the Korea team, INNOVEXCEO Gyun CHAE, Korea KİKO's CEO and General Manager, NBBTC British President Akeem Wale HAMEED from the London Stock Exchange, NBBTC Turkey President Engin MÜFTÜOĞLU, NBBTC Strategic Investments. President Muhammet ÇİFTÇİ, NBBTC Legal Group President M.Şerif FELEKOĞLU, NBBTC Political Affairs President Alaattin FIRAT, NBBTC Board Member Construction and Stock Exchange President Zülfigar YOLCU,

Kaya & Partner Legal Consultancy founder Atty.Vahit KAYA, Vice President Hacı Kurban COŞKUN, NBBTC Vice President of the Board of Founders responsible for media affairs Haldun ORBAY, NBBTC IRAQ President Khalid Rasheed Majeed AL-AZZAWI, NBBTC Board Members Merve and Bünyamin BULAK, Sierra Leone and Ethiopian Turkish Ambassadors, businessmen from Somalia and Iraq, NBBTC Management staff, NBBTC Inspectors staff and 81 Provincial Organization Heads were present.

Dr. Necati Bulak, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NBBTC Holding, announced that they started a structuring process in 81 provinces of Turkey and 161 countries, and made a speech at the meeting, addressing foreign mission chiefs and solution partners who came to our country for economic cooperation.

Necati Bulak, Chairman of the Board of Directors of NBBTC Holding, said in his opening speech at the meeting, “21. We have prepared the infrastructure of 21 priority mega projects that we have initiated, developed and decided to implement, addressing the mega project of the 21 century to our Turkey, the leader of the century. "We started a regional development move," he said.

President Necati Bulak, in his speech at the meeting that attracted great attention and high participation, said the following in summary: “Our world has produced visionless, insufficient and unfortunately unplanned, heroic slogans and political-looking groups that only insult their opponents within the framework of social injustice, economic depressions and spineless politics. "So much so that they were able to spread the idea that if their sides were bad, it would be good for them, and they were able to create supporters for this," he said.

President BULAK ''The world is now preparing for a new order. This can be achieved through economic development models to perceive and manage the new order. Although our country has taken serious steps to adapt to the New World Order in recent years, the old order, the old judiciary and the old perception system, which have accumulated over the years, confront us with some realities. There is now a painful reality that must be accepted. We have a huge young population of approximately 14 million between the ages of 18-29. They are a generation that is too inquisitive, inquisitive and rational to be deceived by chanting slogans and denigrating others.
They show a genetic difference that cannot be sided with like a team. So what should be done for these young people? Approximately 9 million are unemployed. The truth of the matter is that there is always pessimism and hopelessness in the picture in front of those young people. "In order for these young people's hopes not to fade, economic models should be created and implemented for this young population, and those with knowledge and skills, not those with uncles, should be ensured to appear in the country's administration."

Our suggestions and models for this will be as follows: ''Our basic principle is the free will and fundamental rights of our humanity, regardless of our differences in religion, language, sect and thought. These concepts cannot be discussed or marginalized. Respect for Ataturk and his comrades are our red lines. They never have the right to join our movement because they are on the same side as those who betray their homeland, sell their positions, steal, or take bribes. Our main goal is not to produce slogans for the economic, social and political crises that exist in our country, but to offer solution packages and put our development move model into practice. "As a sign of our belief in democracy, every participant has equal rights."

Our main goal is;
1-The main goal is to make our country the third largest economy in the world at the end of three years,
2- Establishing the 82nd province with free zone status and bringing 160,000 world companies here to create a smart city of 1.6 million people as a world trade center,
3- Information collection centers for 100,000 people should be created in each province according to the population number parameter, and this number of young people should be employed every month after their training is completed. Until the main project is implemented, 4 million jobs should be provided and the most qualified among them should be selected and appointed as managers in the city to be established as a free zone, a total of 114 These young people should be employed to serve our SMEs in the country.
4- Soup kitchens for an average of 5000 people should be built in each province and aid activities should be carried out until the youth employment program is completed as an emergency action plan., 5- Basic needs products should be supplied to our citizens in need every month and animal shelters and hospitals should be established,
6- All of our projects below will be implemented for the 100th anniversary of our Republic, which are designed for the development of our country and will be open to the approval and contribution of the participants.
We have a dream and a love for Türkiye. We owe a debt of love to this country. That's why we received great offers from Germany, London and Asian countries to bring our project to life. However, none of these offers attracted our attention. We turned them all down with the back of our hands. Because we want to realize this dream in our country. Turkey, the Leader of the 21st Century, and our 21 Mega projects, which we believe will create an economic development model for our country and African countries that are suitable for development, consist of the following headings:V

Our contract farmer model,
Our SME Bank Project,
Our Trade City Platform project,
Our Tarım Coin Project,
Our Regional Development Project,
Our Barrier-Free Life Project,
Our World's Most Powerful Lobbying Council Project,
Our Solar Fields Project,
Our Maycoop Cooperative Project,
Our MarkaBank Project,
Our Contracted Health Site Project,
Our Public Soup Kitchen Project,
Our Community Houses Project,
Our Electric Vehicle Project,
Our Stem Cell Technology Application Project in the field of health,
Our E-Tender Project,
Our Educareer model Project,
Our Social Project,
Our World's Most Comprehensive Sports Exchange Project,
Our NBBTC Start-Up Project,
Our World Association of Universities Project,
Following the speeches, an investment protocol was signed with two companies from South Korea that participated in the meeting held at Ankara Anadolu Hotels. In the statement made by INOOVEX, “Before signing this memorandum of understanding, we expanded the investment scale and confirmed some details. Innovex is a starting point for electric vehicle charging infrastructure and promoting cooperation with Korean companies. "We signed an investment agreement with energy storage systems in Turkey."

On the other hand, Korea's leading Bag and Luggage company, KİKO, signed a contract with its CEO and KİKO's General Manager to make investments in Korea, Turkey and Africa. After the signing ceremony, a family photo was taken with those who attended the meeting from home and abroad.

On the other hand, Korea's leading Bag and Luggage company, KİKO, signed a contract with its CEO and KİKO's General Manager to make investments in Korea, Turkey and Africa. After the signing ceremony, a family photo was taken with those who attended the meeting from home and abroad.

Greetings !!! all NBB family and international partners.
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